Today I finally completed my Music Library CLI lab, and to say that it was challenging would be an understatement. After scanning the Tic-Tac-Toe with AI lab I decided to take a break and catch up on some blog posts I’m extremely late on. I’m having very mixed feelings after climbing the mountain that was the Music Library CLI lab - on one hand I am proud and relieved to have finished something so challenging, but on the other, I worry about what’s to come and if labs will ever start to feel manageable!
I think for the next couple days, before moving on to the next lab, I’m going to review some OO videos and try to recreate my Music Library CLI lab with cleaner, better code. This will help me practice and solidify what I’ve learned (and show that I have in fact learned and continue to learn!). I used a lot of resources to complete this lab (videos, lectures, previous labs…), and I’d love to see how much of it I can do again on my own.
I’d love to know how others felt after struggling with and completing this lab, and I’d like to work on forming connections with the Flatiron community. As a self-paced learner in a different timezone (Norway), it’s easy to feel isolated and like I’m struggling on my own over here.