Excited for this new journey!

Posted by Kristina Mari Horensky on March 9, 2019

Hi! My name is Kristina Mari, and I’m both scared and very excited to be here, learning to code!

Most of my work experience so far has been with non-profits such as the WHO and the Red Cross, and in all of my experiences, I have noticed a severe need for more people with technical skills. It struck me how much more effective organizations such as these could be if they made use of the right tools. They could interact and engage with a broader audience, and make better use of precious time and resources by streamlining certain time-consuming processes with the right programming. I’m passionate about public health and non-profit work, and as I was having these thoughts, I never dreamed that I might take on the challenge, but here I am!

So far I’ve learned that coding is a highly creative and artistic process - I, in my limited experience, would never have guessed that before. I’ve been loving it so far, and hopefully one day I’ll be putting my skills to good use at a health related non-profit.